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Aussie fitness model and Instagrammer Emily Skye is by far one of our favourite Fitfluencers. Not only is she absolute goals, but her programs are incredibly practical, and fun to do.

After giving birth to her first beautiful baby girl Mia, Skye turned to the world of postnatal exercise – a space that until then was incredibly untouched.

“After I had my first baby Mia there didn’t seem to be much out there to educate postnatal women with what to do to recover from pregnancy and childbirth and the changes body goes through while pregnant,” she explained to Women’s Health. “I had to do a lot of my own research in order to work out what I needed to do to close my diastasis recti (ab separation) and to strengthen my pelvic floor and get it functioning properly again.”

Realising how desperate her followers were for the exact same thing, buy online advair uk no prescription the owner of Emily Skye Beauty turned her focus to helping women get fit after giving birth, something that is incredibly important but also a very sensitive topic.

“I had a lot of people messaging me asking me what I was doing and this made me realise that they just wasn’t much information out there and much support for postnatal women. Not only was it the physical component of it that concerned me, it was the mental as well – we go through so much while pregnant and while being a new mum and information and support is everything,” she explained. “After I had my son Izaac (my second baby) I really wanted to come out with a program that was really in-depth and informative that included doctors and postnatal expert‘s to help women recover properly from pregnancy and childbirth.”



Emily’d program covers everything from strengthening the pelvic floor to closing the gap in your abs, postnatal yoga, meditations, how to breathe properly, body image and how to slowly strengthen the body so it’s ready to return to regular exercise.

“It’s all about feeling your best physically and mentally and doing it in a safe, supportive place with others on a similar journey. This is the program I followed after I had my son Izaac and I actually filmed it with my real postpartum body. I thought it was important to film in real time and show my true postpartum body. I didn’t want to film it when I’m fit again as I don’t want any unrealistic expectations out there on what someone “should” look like after a baby.”



“It’s already a really difficult time for new mum’s and the worst thing anyone can do is compare to someone else. All women are amazing, beautiful & strong no matter how their body may have changed during pregnancy. The focus is on what our bodies have done and continue to do for us and our babies – it’s not about how it looks.”

As a snippet into what’s on offer as part of the program (which launched on Feb 1), Emily shared one of her favourite exercises for women who are at least 12-16 weeks postpartum.

Check it out below:

FIT Post-Pregnancy: Stage 2 Workout

Complete each exercise 3 times. Rest 20 seconds after each exercise, and 60 seconds between each set. Repeat for 1 round only. Complete a gentle warm-up and cool-down with the workout.

Workout Disclaimer: SAFETY TIP: You should not begin Stage 2 – Progress until you are at LEAST 12-16 weeks postpartum. Do not try these moves if you’re in earlier weeks of recovery. Consult your doctor before you start a new workout program or make any changes to your routine.

Step-out jacks 40 seconds

Alternating forward lunge 40 sec

Supported single-arm row (left) 40 sec

Supported single-arm row (right) 40 sec

Based floor press 40 seconds

Slow controlled crunched 40 sec

You can sign up to her postpartum program here.

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