Coronavirus infections recognize and act correctly
The courses of the disease by the Coronavirus SARS-CoV-2 disease caused COVID-19 differ greatly from Person to Person. Some people don’t remember, even in the case of other flu-like complaints, and in the case of some life-threatening disease. Experts summarize how to recognize the disease and when you should respond.
Just a little runny nose? Nothing tastes more? No more air to Breathe? Infection with the new Coronavirus is not the same for all people. The great part of the Infected don’t feel anything or only a little. Other Affected die. The new Coronavirus, the disease, vary gradients, strong. Indications and warning signs.
The disease COVID-19 varies greatly
For some, it feels like a cold, for others it is life-threatening or even fatal. Generally valid statements about the typical course of the disease were not possible, says the Robert Koch Institute (RKI) in Berlin.
Every second infected Person remains unnoticed
About half of the people infected would not even notice, said recently RKI-chief Lothar Wieler: “we do not see at all.” On the complaints of the Infected data are now available from several countries and increasingly also from Germany. Some patients also report themselves, as it is with Sars-CoV-2 – an Overview of the forms.
Mild gradients, with no hospital stay
Of the Infected, the a note of something, have gradients according to the RKI four out of five mild. Cough (54 percent), and fever (40 percent) included data from more than 22,000 Patients in Germany, one of the most common symptoms, such as Wieler explained.
“There is a rumor that a Sars-CoV-2 infection causes definitely not the common cold,” adds Martin Witzenrath from the clinic for infectiology and pneumology at the Charité hospital in Berlin, where, according to his information, currently, more than 20 patients with different severe forms of the disease to be treated.
The FDP politician Alexander Graf Lambsdorff said the Heidelberger “Rhine-Neckar-newspaper”, the disease had been with him a wave. He had a runny nose for some time, then the cough came. The symptoms he described as “not spectacular”.
Reports from the area at risk Heinsberg
As there are approximately 100 people is given in the most affected district of Heinsberg in North Rhine-Westphalia, in Isolation, Teams have asked the Bonn virologists Hendrik Streeck: “The most commonly described Symptom was a dry cough, with 70 percent, the loss of taste and smell, with 68 percent, and tiredness, with 68 percent,” he says. But also from a running nose, headache, muscle pain, sore throat, and fever, many patients have reported. “Some of them were very nice K. o.”, says the scientist. By case, was not rare, as Streeck.
After two weeks, the nightmare is over mostly
According to data from the world health organization (WHO), to take mild courses of the disease in the Mediterranean for two weeks. The disease start after the previous experience with the neck scratching or pain, and often fever, as Streeck. And so like many cold-related diseases. There are signs by which one can distinguish Covid-19 clear? “The Only thing that gets the flu, is this taste and smell loss,” says Streeck. Otherwise, the gradients applied in the case of mild: “It’s like a flu infection. The Affected would not have noticed that infection with Sars-CoV-2 at all.“
Food taste metallic or bitter
Chief physician Clemens Wendtner from the clinic for infectious diseases in Munich, clinic Schwabing, the treated end of January, the first Infected in Germany, also reported that the Sufferers were not able to smell, for example, some days good and taste, and the taste of food – even though you request a court – perceived as metallic or bitter. The impairment may occur Wendtner, according to the beginning and a first indication of a disease be. Also in the case of Sars it was assumed that the Virus infects olfactory receptors in the nose.
Heavier courses with hospital treatment
How many people are in Germany because of Covid-19 in the hospital, or were, is not known. Almost 56.000 in China acquired cases, 14 percent were difficult. Six percent of the course was critical to life-threatening, for example because of lung failure. Severe cases can take according to WHO is in the middle between three and six weeks.
In patients with symptoms of upper respiratory tract, it takes, according to the previous experience of four to eight days to decide if the disease infects the lower respiratory tract, says Witzenrath from Charité. However, there are also patients who get a pneumonia, without the prior upper respiratory tract are affected. Inflamed lung tissue means that oxygen intake is working so well.
If breathing is difficult, seek immediate medical help should be sought
Italian Doctors described, that there is in the affected part of the country patients go to a clinic. RKI-Chef Wieler said on Wednesday, if you feel increasing shortness of breath, it is even more important to consult a doctor.
COVID-19 differs from other lung inflammation
The clinical picture at Covid-19 vagina infections from the previously unknown lung, says Witzenrath. “The special thing about it is that patients have a bit of shortness of breath, not dramatically, one has the impression that are not even particularly sick. Then you look at the lung in the CT and looks very bad. It is something we don’t know so far.“ For example, more than half of the lung could be damaged by the Virus. The course could deteriorate rapidly.
In the case of alarm signals, take action immediately
The doctors called alarm signals: “If you go to a stairs, which you can handle otherwise loose, and half way through remember, you get no more air, should give food for thought. Especially if you already are older, pre-existing conditions.“ Members could keep the respiratory rate of Patients in the view: While the Patient is lying, for example, in front of the TV, you can watch the best of this unnoticed – the number of times the chest rise. “If the number is about 20 or 22 per Minute, this is definitely a warning signal.”
What happens in the hospital?
Some Covid-19-patients may initially be normal stations in treated, says Witzenrath. “For example, people who get supportive high-flow oxygen via a small plastic hose under the nose, and patients whose condition deteriorates under the inflammation of the lungs,” explains the physician.
Patients need more oxygen, to be used in intensive care units, a certain oxygen therapy (High Flow). Also, this is no longer rich, is a ventilator through a tube in the trachea is necessary, the patient has to be put into a coma. “However, with the duration of Intubation complications,” says Witzenrath. According to previous data believed to be Affected have to be ventilated in intensive care units, an average of 17 days. “This is a very, very long time.”
How high is the proportion of Affected, the respiration must be, can be, according to the experts, because of the dark number of undetected infections, so far, hard to say. The RKI announced for China: a two to six percent. (vb; Source: Gisela Gross, dpa)