Application for a temporary injunction withdrawn: fourth-graders from Monday to school

Coronavirus pandemic concerns also in Germany medicine, politics, tourism and society: More than four million people have already been infected with the causative agent of Sars-CoV-2, 172.944 of them in Germany.

Fourth graders need to be pulled back from Monday for the school – application for a temporary injunction

For the pupils of the fourth classes in Hessen school attendance is mandatory from Monday. A student has withdrawn according to the administrative court on Friday its application for a temporary injunction against the school due to the Corona pandemic.

All further news about Corona-pandemic from Germany, Europe and the world, you will find in the News Ticker of FOCUS Online.  

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Asparagus-potato Gratin: The classic with cheese is as fast as lightning

Appetite asparagus-potato Gratin: The classic with cheese is as fast as lightning