Australian scientists achieved a breakthrough: they discovered a means by which the genome of the Coronavirus kills within two days. The Best part is that It is globally available in large quantities. Now clinical Tests to demonstrate the effect on the people.
It is a breakthrough in the fight against the Coronavirus: Australian scientists have now found a drug that the genome of Sars can kill CoV-2 within two days. This is a medium originally used against head lice, scabies, and the flow of disease: Ivermectin.
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“We have found that even a single dose can remove the entire viral RNA, within 48 hours,” said study leader Kylie Wagstaff. The Physician working at the Discovery Institute, the Australian Monsah University in Melbourne, Australia. “After 24 hours we noticed a significant reduction of the genome,” she said further.
In the fight against Corona: active ingredient would be available worldwide
So far, the effect of Ivermectin on Sars has been studied-CoV-2 RNA only in the laboratory. “We now need to find out, whether the dosage, we can apply it in humans, is effective – this is the next step,” said the study’s leader, more.
Ivermectin is zuglassen of the U.S. food and drug administration, FDA, is going to be very often used and considered as a safe drug, in addition to the active ingredient in the world, and voluminous available.
The researchers now want to conduct preclinical Tests and clinical trials. To determine the effect in humans, it’ll take at least a month, in addition, financial resources were urgently needed.
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Nevertheless, the application could be made earlier than with a purpose against the Virus and developed a vaccine. Wagstaff said: “In these times, where we have a global pandemic and there is no approved treatment could help with a connection that is already available around the world, the people in the past.”
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Drug acts also against HI-, Dengue-, Influenza -, and Zika viruses
The scientists of the Monsah University conducted their study in conjunction with the Peter Doherty Institute of Infection and Immunity the University of Melbourne. As soon as it became known, that the pandemic began to spread, they began with the investigations of Sars-CoV-2 cells.
One of the leading medical scientists of the Doherty Institute, Leon Caly, said: “As a virologist, the part of the team was isolated in January 2020 as the first Sars-Cov-2 outside of China, and shared, I am happy about the prospect of Ivermectin as a potential drug against Covid-19 to use.”
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Ivermectin is “damping” effect of the Virus
Wagstaff had already achieved in the year of 2012 a breakthrough in the case of Ivermectin and its anti-viral activity are identified. He was able to show that the parasiticide showed in laboratory tests against viruses such as HIV, Dengue, Influenza, and Zika effect.
How exactly the drug acts on the Coronavirus, is not known. Due to its effect on other viruses, the researchers, however, have a guess: Probably “dampen” Ivermectin is the ability of the Virus to prevent the host cells to eliminate it. A Virus host cells needs to be in you dock and to benefit from them. Host cells defend themselves normally against such attacks, against Sars-CoV-2, the host cells of people who are not yet immune to the Virus but have no Chance. FOCUS Online/News5 See you in the Video: masks, sew it yourself! Firefighters released a simple Video guide