I am an Abortion Counselor, and Here’s an Inside Look at What's Really Happening Behind the Scenes after the Fall of Roe v. Wade

“Can they arrest me if they find out I traveled to another state and had an abortion? Can they try to take my children away?These are just a couple of the questions my patient asked during a recent after-hours call. 

Her fears are justified — many patients now face a chilling new reality in this post-Roe America. 

Since the conservative majority on the Supreme Court overturned Roe v. Wade, which guaranteed the right to an abortion in any state in America, on June 24th, 2022, patients in many states have been living in a real-life, dangerous dystopian nightmare.

Many Americans, nearly 60 percent, according to polling from CBS News, were outraged over Roe v. Wade being overturned. Despite this, Republican legislatures in conservative-leaning states have waged a war on personal freedom and reproductive choice, passing restrictive bans in over 20 states — with 14 states outlawing abortion entirely. Many of these bans lack clear exceptions for rape, incest and a situation in which a patient’s life in danger. And even when exceptions exist, they are nearly impossible to obtain.

I work on the frontlines of reproductive health care as an abortion counselor. Our patients come from all different backgrounds and circumstances. Some patients come into our office looking for help, but most call us for assistance from states with restrictive abortion bans.

Before Roe v. Wade was struck down, I worked in reproductive health care, and there were some challenges with patients accessing care, especially in many rural and Southern states with very few clinics, mandatory three-day waiting periods before an abortion procedure, and laws that force patients to visit clinics twice (once for a consultation and then for the procedure). But after the overturn of Roe v. Wade, things became exponentially worse, almost overnight in some states. 

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