Heartbroken daughter claims cancer-stricken mother was 'left to die'

Heartbroken daughter claims her cancer-stricken mother was ‘left to die’ after being sent home from hospital without any aftercare

  • A heartbroken daughter claimed her mother was ‘abandoned’ by NHS services 
  • Sylva Faye of Brent London said she was ‘left alone’ to take care of her mother 
  • She claimed her mum died within 11 weeks of being diagnosed with cancer 

A daughter claimed her cancer-stricken mother was ‘left to die’ after being sent home from an NHS hospital without aftercare. 

Sylva Faye, of the London Borough of Brent, took to TikTok to recount the harrowing experience, months after her mother’s death in November 2022. 

She said her mother died within 11 weeks of being diagnosed with cancer and was left alone to look after her ‘with absolutely no support from anyone. 

The singer-songwriter claimed her mum was ‘totally healthy’ before her death, aside from suffering from arm pain which was diagnosed by her GP as ‘overuse’ from gardening. 

Sylva said her mother later experienced stomach pain and went to A&E alone for help, she said: ‘I was at work, they missed her number in A&E and left her there for 15 hours.’

When arriving at the hospital, Sylva said that she found her mother on a bench, she cried: ‘She was so sad and small when I found her there, and I realised she’d been overlooked.’

Sylva Faye claimed she was ‘left alone’ to look after her cancer-stricken mother after she was discharged from hospital ‘without any aftercare’

Taking to TikTok to recount the harrowing experience, she said her mother was otherwise ‘totally healthy’ but died within 11 weeks of receiving a cancer diagnosis 

When they were finally seen, Sylva claimed: ‘[They found] a mass on her abdomen, it was like advanced pancreas cancer, it had spread. 

‘She didn’t understand how bad that was, she was hospitalized for a week or so in Charing Cross, but they couldn’t decide which hospital to put her in. 

‘Then they sent us back home with no aftercare, no help just hundreds of medications I was supposed to administer.’

Looking through the box of medicines, Sylva said she found drugs such as Cyclizine, Diazepam and Haloperidol. 

She said: ‘I had to make my own charts. I had hundreds of charts I had to make myself, because they didn’t give me any drugs chart. They gave me a bunch of needles and morphine.’ 

The daughter explained she has ‘no background in nursing’ and said she contacted doctors she knew ‘from school’ and her dad’s friends for help after being ‘left alone’ by the hospital. 

Sylva claimed that ‘nobody came’ to check on her mother and a community pain team didn’t show after she was discharged. 

She said: ‘No one called us, no one kept any of the appointments that they sent us, the phone just didn’t ring and when you rang the hospital, you couldn’t get through to anybody.’

Sylva claimed that ‘nobody came’ to help her or her mother and said she had to administer all of her mum’s cancer medication herself 

‘They scheduled her chemo so far in advance that they decided there was no point in doing it,’ she added. 

The devoted daughter claimed she called the hospital everyday, but said the only time anyone showed was when she ‘threatened’ to give her mum the medication her mother was ‘begging for’ after her mum was making a ‘death rattle’ sound. 

‘Then they showed up and then they had a massive go at me and told me off and made me feel like a criminal in my own house,’ she claimed. 

Sylva said her mother wasn’t even aware of the extent of her illness, and said she only found out that she was going to die when a member of a palliative care team told her. 

READ MORE: Mother, 59, dies from cancer after her referral for urgent medical help was left in a mail pigeonhole for a month, inquest hears

She said: ‘She didn’t even know she was palliative because no one had a conversation with her.’  

Sylva claims she now has panic and anxiety attacks and is on the waitlist for therapy, she said: ‘I have slipped through the net for bereavement counselling and I can’t afford therapy.’ 

Since posting her TikTok, she has gained thousands of comments in support of her situation and was encouraged to set up a Go Fund Me. 

Over 150 people have donated to her cause and she is just short of £500 away from her target goal of £3000. 

Explaining why she set up the account, she wrote: ‘The contribution would help me get some private therapy while I wait for the lists I’m on as I need some bereavement support. 

‘It might also help me afford a solicitor and be able to pursue some sort of justice, and help me get on my feet after being knocked off.’

Sylva said that her father, who was separated from her late mother at the time of her death, has also suffered from the stress of the situation. 

She claimed he has had a cardioversion following the stress of the situation and is also on antidepressants. 

‘This is the worst nightmare that anyone could experience for their relatives,’ she added.  

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