Doctor shares 9 vague symptoms of ovarian cancer

What are the signs of ovarian cancer?

“Ovarian cancer often goes undiagnosed until it reaches the late stage due to its symptoms being vague and often overlapping with common/less serious conditions,” said Dr Jackson-Spencer. There are nine potential symptoms of ovarian cancer that might occur, from bloating to feeling full very quickly while eating. Dr Jackson-Spencer pointed out that cancer can cause a “loss of appetite” and/or “abdominal pain”.

For some people, they might experience the frequent urge to urinate, there might be abnormal vaginal bleeding and unexplained tiredness.

Another possible indication of ovarian cancer is unexplained weight loss and a change in bowel habits.

Nine possible symptoms of ovarian cancer:

  1. Bloating
  2. Feeling full quickly
  3. Loss of appetite
  4. Abdominal pain
  5. Frequent need to urinate
  6. Abnormal vaginal bleeding
  7. Unexplained tiredness
  8. Unexplained weight loss
  9. Change in bowel habits.

“Unlike cervical and breast cancer there aren’t robust screening tests for ovarian cancer,” Dr Jackson-Spencer cautioned.

“So it’s important to get any symptoms checked out by a doctor. Your GP might want to do a blood test, internal examination or refer you for an ultrasound scan.

“If caught early, ovarian cancer can be less serious, that’s why it’s super important to arm yourself with as much knowledge as possible.”

Dr Frankie Jackson-Spencer is a medical doctor, a women’s health expert and Femfresh ambassador.

What causes ovarian cancer?

“There isn’t an exact cause of ovarian cancer,” the expert stated, but there are a “few factors” that could increase a person’s risk of developing the disease.

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One factor that simply can not be controlled is older age; women over the age of 65 are more at risk of developing ovarian cancer.

“With over half of the cases occurring in women over 65 years, age is the biggest risk factor,” said Dr Jackson-Spencer.

Having a family history of the disease is also another risk factor, according to the expert.

“Approximately five to 10 percent of cases of ovarian cancer are thought to be hereditary,” the doctor added.

Women who start their period at a younger age, or go through menopause later in life, are also thought to be at higher risk of ovarian cancer.

Dr Jackson-Spencer explained: “The increase in the number of times you ovulate creates more opportunities for cancerous cells to develop.”

Another risk factor is if you have received radiotherapy treatment for cancers, such as bowel cancer.

For more information or support about ovarian cancer, you can contact Macmillan Cancer Support.

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