COVID-19: Severe course of the disease – These patients need special protection measures – Naturopathy naturopathy specialist portal

Severe course of Coronavirus infections: Special protection for certain patients

The number of people who have been infected in Germany with the Coronavirus SARS-CoV-2, is risen again, stronger. The majority of infections are mild or even without symptoms. But, above all, people from certain risk groups can become seriously ill. These persons need special protection.

The risk of developing COVID-19, is currently, due to the lack of immunity for all groups of the population high. Most people who are infected with the new Coronavirus SARS-CoV-2, do not get the disease but difficult. Patients, especially those with chronic respiratory and pulmonary diseases, however, are unsettled. The German society for pneumology and respiratory medicine e. V. (DGP) explains which patients are in need of special protection.

For most, the disease is mild-to-moderate

The majority of the COVID-19 affected patients, the disease is mild to moderate and shows, on average, for a period of 11.5 days after infection symptoms.

The Robert Koch Institute (RKI) according to be treated in Germany eight to ten percent of the COVID-19-patients and inpatients.

“This number is likely to overestimate the proportion of severe cases as, in particular, at the beginning of the pandemic not only disease Severity, but also the necessary isolation recording was basic,” explains Professor Dr. med. Torsten Bauer, Deputy DGP-President.

“This is reflected in the relatively low proportion of intensive inpatient treatments of only eight percent of these hospitalized cases.”

Increased risk for certain groups of people

As the RKI declared, increases the risk of a serious COVID-19-disease of 50 to 60 years steadily with age.

Also, various underlying diseases, such as cardiovascular diseases, Diabetes, diseases of the respiratory system, the liver, the kidney, cancer diseases or factors such as obesity and Smoking seem to increase the risk for a severe course of the disease.

And also for patients with a suppressed immune system (for example, due to a disease, which is associated with an immune deficiency, or due to taking medications, the the body’s immune response) have a higher risk.

Mortality rates differ according to age group considerably

According to the DGP, the current estimated likelihood of dying from COVID-19 heir is, according to currently available data, less than one percent (relative to the estimated population of all Infected).

Depending on the age group, the mortality differ in rates, but considerably. So older people are more likely to be affected than younger ones.

Many patients with chronic respiratory and lung diseases such as Asthma or COPD are concerned about the current pandemic and to fear, to be stronger by SARS-CoV-2 at risk than Healthy.

“The patients want to protect themselves against infection,” says Professor Dr. med. Marek Lommatzsch, a senior physician in the Department of pneumology, University of Rostock, and speaker of the German lung day.

“But also Doctors, have a duty to their patients appropriate and sensible protective measures required to feel insecure.”

Therefore, the risk assessment for groups of patients with pre-existing respiratory and lung diseases of particular importance.

Strictly to recommendations

In the paper “risk assessment in patients with chronic respiratory and lung disorders within the framework of the SARS-CoV-2-pandemic” estimate, suffer the professionals of the DGP, the risk of certain patient groups (for example, Asthma, COPD, lung cancer, or sleep apnea), a heavy COVID-19-course of the disease, and explain what patients need groups special protection.

So, for example, has treated patients have histories with Asthma, no increase in risk for heavy COVID-19 -. It is different, however, in people with COPD: “From the available data, there is evidence that patients with COPD have a higher risk for severe COVID-19 – sequences,” explains West.

“In the Presence of a cardiovascular comorbidity in patients with COPD, a significantly increased risk to be assumed,” says the expert.

“All patients with chronic respiratory and lung diseases, we recommend to adhere strictly to the recommendations of the Robert Koch-Institute,” says West. “In particular, the distance of the commandments, rules of hygiene and vaccination recommendations should be followed.”

The full recommendations of the DGP can be found on the Website of the company free of charge. The recommendations are updated on a daily basis, new findings COVID-19 on a regular basis. (ad)