Coronavirus: more testing in Germany

German diagnostic laboratories can perform per day 100,000 Tests on a SARS-CoV-2. In an international comparison, this test of capacity is high, but I will not yet fully utilised, says the Association of Accredited laboratories in medicine.

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Have been conducted In Germany since the beginning of March in more than 100 medical laboratories, a total of 1.06 million Tests for the new Coronavirus. This data from the Accredited laboratories in medicine (ALM) presented Dr. Michael Müller, Chairman of the ALM, at a press conference. In comparison to the last survey, the number of Tests per week was increased to 332.414 testing. And also, the test capacity for the current week has been once again raised to 100,000 Tests per day – alone in the laboratories participating in the data collection. “In international comparison, Germany is testing very, very viel«, Miller said. »And the test capacity is sufficient.”

100.00 Tests are nationwide, per day and thus approximately 500,000 Tests per week, according to Müller. This capacity is not currently being exploited but, as the Figures showed. Why is this so? Evangelos Kotsopoulos, CEO in AML, suggested that the stringent were formulated to the specifications of the Robert Koch Institute to Carry, when a Person should be tested. The frequent calls, to avoid unnecessary testing would be.

The absolute amount of Tests hanging, but also by the supply of required reagents and related consumables, which have, at times, in individual laboratories, in short supply. Although the test capacity is sufficient in Germany, try you nevertheless, you have for the future to further expand. Besides Germany, many countries have worked but around the world, which will not have any impact on the Situation with the consumption of materials positive.

Antiköphysical tests are still inaccurate

In some laboratories currently, antibody tests by ELISA would be introduced method, and some have already been certified, said Professor Dr. Jan Kramer, member of the Board in ALM. Such Tests show whether a Patient has already made Covid-19. The immune system makes specific Antibodies against the pathogen, so-called antibodies that the Test detects. These antibody tests are, but according to Kramer this is still not accurate and sensitive enough to be able to an immunity notice: you do not speak only in the case of SARS-CoV-2, but also on other, harmless corona viruses. This will improve in the next four weeks, showed Kramer to be optimistic.

Antibody rapid tests are already available on a large scale, he explained. From your use of the ALM and other professional society advise urgently, as the test quality is often very questionable, and the products have no certification. Most recently, the world health organization (WHO) had warned of fake medical Tests in this area of laboratory diagnostics.


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