9 Allergy Hacks & Tips to Help Kids Enjoy the Summer Months

Is it just us, or does it seem like allergy season literally gets worse and worse every year? My car is absolutely covered in pollen every day from being parked outside, and it’s uncomfortable to think that that much pollen is floating around and into our eyes, nose, and all over our clothes. If you have a kid with allergies, you know that springtime and parts of summer can be miserable when they go outside and come in sneezing and itchy-eyed. Outdoor play means plenty of contact with plants in bloom as well as animals and substances that could trigger an allergic reaction. 

Of course you can’t force them to stay inside and ruin their summer (and yours, because bored kids are no fun for anyone). That said, it’s totally possible to let them out in the sunshine and keep allergic reactions to a minimum.

We spoke to a few experts who gave us nine helpful tips and steps for helping kids’ allergies all summer long.

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1. Know your child

It sounds obvious, but allergies vary in each child, even each child within the same family. “Knowing your child’s allergic triggers is the most important step,” says Dr. Sujan Patel, allergist and immunologist at NYU Langone Medical Center. “If pollen is the problem, then when indoors, running the air conditioning rather than opening windows will be beneficial, and the same applies when in the car.” 

2. Check the pollen count

A weather app with a pollen count is a must for your smartphone, says primary care pediatrician and member of The Goddard School educational advisory board Dr. Jack Maypole. (Pollen.com’s Allergy Alert app is free on iTunes and Google Play). If your child is symptomatic on a particular day, consulting the pollen count on the app can help inform you about what triggers are present and decide whether outdoor activities should be rescheduled for another day. The American College of Allergy, Asthma, and Immunology advises outdoor play when pollen counts are at their lowest — pre-dawn or in the late afternoon or evening.

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