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We’re all different, some men can grow a bushy beard worthy of actor Brian Blessed within a few days, while others can go a full week with just the merest hint of ‘peach fuzz’ to show for it.

So what gives?

Well, it’s mainly down to our genetics … but if you're struggling in the facial hair department, let's not give up just yet.

According to Medical News Today, exercising and eating a nutritious diet can go a long way to speeding up beard growth …

I have a great beard, my mate doesn’t – why is this?

Some genes allow a chap to grow a fuller beard, while others may be stuck with sparse or patchy whiskers.

So whether you’re as hairy as Blackbeard the pirate or as silky smooth as James Bond before a night at the casino, it’s all largely out of your control. Though it is interesting to know that a few lifestyle tweaks can actually speed up growth.

How to make the most of what you’ve got

Obviously we can’t change our genes, ketoconazole 2 shampoo uses but we can change our lifestyle – which may go some way to achieving a fuller beard.

So if you're after more bristles on your fizzog , pay close attention to:


This helps to improve blood flow, which in turn helps stimulate hair follicle growth. Be imaginative – try running, weightlifting or cycling.


Whether you’re after a bushier beard or not, eating a balanced diet is hugely important to be at your best.

It goes without saying that eating nutritious food will not override your genes, but it may assist the existing hair to grow fuller and healthier.

Some foods that can help include:

  • Lean protein, such as salmon and chicken

  • Iron -rich foods, such as liver

  • Whole grains and other complex carbohydrates

  • Healthy fats, such as those in avocados

  • Foods high in zinc, such as nuts and chickpeas

  • Fruits and vegetables, such as those high vitamins A, B, C, D, and E


There are some supplements can help us stay healthy, which is where we need to be if we want our facial hair to be at its best.

If your diet is lacking in zinc and iron, then pop a supplement to redress the balance.

It is important to remember that, no matter what some may claim, there are no supplements out there that will enable you to grow a beard if your genes won’t play ball. So beware those snake oil salesman!

Don’t forget about your skin

It is important to keep your skin as healthy as possible to encourage good beard growth.

Exfoliating the face can help get rid of dead skin cells and debris from each hair follicle, allowing the hair to grow through the skin as nature intended.

Doing this can also reduce in-grown hairs under the beard, which can be very painful.

There are leave-in conditioners that can keep the hair moisturised – which is important if you want to avoid beard dandruff (and who wants that?)

Remember to catch plenty of Zs

Often overlooked, the simple premise of just getting enough sleep can enhance beard growth – yes, really!

Sleep is an essential factor in being healthy, it allows your body and mind to recharge.

Without enough sleep, the brain simply cannot function properly, leaving you feeling awful.

What can I do to make my beard look thicker?

Your best bet is to keep it moisturised and clean, which can lend it the appearance of being fuller.

Unfortunately, there is no scientific backing for anything that will actually thicken a beard, though anecdotal evidence suggests avocado oil and olive oil can give it a boost.

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