Neuromodulation comprises a range of therapeutic approaches to relieving symptoms, such as pain or tremors, or to restore movement or
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When neurons communicate with each another, they transmit—or “fire”—small electrical impulses called action potentials or spikes. These action potentials are
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A new generation of miniature recording probes can track the same neurons inside tiny mouse brains over weeks—and even months.
Read moreResearchers identify a class of neurons that are most active during non-REM sleep
Typically, pyramidal cells and GABAergic interneurons in the brain are activated simultaneously. A team of neuroscientists at New York University,
Read moreStudy shows how some neurons compensate for death of their neighbors
Our brains are complicated webs of billions of neurons, constantly transmitting information across synapses, and this communication underlies our every
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Researchers at the University of Virginia School of Medicine have shed light on what causes herpes simplex virus to flare
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New research provides insights into the treatment of Christianson syndrome (CS), an X-linked genetic disease characterized by reduced brain growth
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When modified using a process known as epoxidation, cephalexin two naturally occurring lipids are converted into potent agents that target
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In order to propel the contents of the bowel forward the intestines undergo a sequence of rhythmic strong muscular contractions
Read moreLimbic System and Motivation
The limbic system is a collection of specified neural networking structures, which is associated with emotional behaviors and memory. The
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