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Dr Zoe Williams discusses visceral fat on This Morning

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The dangers associated with visceral fat generally involve cardiovascular ailments. As fat molecules are lodged deep within the abdominal cavity, they release dangerous chemicals that hike the risk of having a heart attack. Fortunately, buspar fuck you up some foods are abundant in the vitamins and minerals the body needs to help torch the fat. Kiwis, for example, have been shown to significantly reduce waist circumferences over a period of 12 weeks.

Despite its expansive nutritional profile, kiwi fruit often falls under the radar as an antidote for disease.

Not only can the fruit boost metabolism, but it’s also an excellent source of antioxidants known to boost longevity.

According to one study published in the journal Nutrients, the fruit may also help regulate blood sugar, which ties in with weight loss.

To investigate the effects of kiwifruit, participants were asked to consume two SunGold kiwifruits per day over 12 weeks.

READ MORE: Visceral fat: The anti-inflammatory seed that ‘greatly’ reduces storage of the deadly fat

The authors of the paper noted: “When week 12 measures were compared to baseline, results showed a significant increase in plasma vitamin C.

“There was a significant reduction in both diastolic and systolic blood pressure and a significant reduction in waist circumference and waist-to-hip ratio.”

Elsewhere in the paper, the researchers wrote: “Kiwifruits are a nutrient-dense food and an excellent source of vitamin.”

In fact, kiwi has higher levels of vitamin C than any other fruit, with just one providing 40 per cent of the recommended daily intake.

Vitamin C has wide-ranging benefits for health, including fat-burning qualities.

In fact, some research shows that consuming higher levels of vitamin C can help oxidise 30 percent more fat during exercise, compared to those with low levels of vitamin C.

The authors of one study, published in the Journal of the American College of Nutrition, found that depleted vitamin C status may make individuals more resistant to fat mass loss.

The authors also established that vitamin C can help regulate blood sugar absorption, helping diabetics manage their condition.

They continued: “Supplementation of the diet with kiwifruit enhances plasma vitamin C status and epidemiological studies have shown an association between vitamin C status and reduced insulin resistance and improved glucose control.”

The study found that the fruit could significantly lower the uptake of sugars into the bloodstream, which prevents a spike in insulin after food intake.

Further experiments have found significant improvements in LDL profile after consumption of kiwi as well.

For instance, a study published in the International Food Sciences and Nutrition journal observed the effects of kiwi fruit on lipid profiles over the course of eight weeks.

The sample consisted of 43 subjects, including 13 males and 30 females, all of whom had hyperlipidemia.

They noted: “At eight weeks of consumption of kiwifruit, the HDL-C concentration was significantly increased and the LDL/HDL-C ratio and total cholesterol/HDL-C ratio were significantly decreased.

“Vitamin C and vitamin E also increased significantly.”

Kiwifruit is reportedly also “one of the richest in vitamins and polyphenols” and has strong anti-oxidant effects.

These compounds are revered for their preventive effects against cancer cells growth and oxidative DNA damage.

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