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As wellness broadens its horizons to include menopause, Kindra, which launched in 2019 from M13 and P&G Ventures, is setting out to educate consumers about their bodies.

Kindra, norvasc and prostate which offers estrogen-free products from vaginal lotion to dietary supplements for women over 40, hosted a virtual panel about perimenopause on Wednesday. “Our mission is to break the taboo around menopause with reliable information, support and community,” said Catherine Balsam-Schwaber, chief executive officer of the brand. “We want to be able to talk about our needs as our bodies are changing.”

Balsam-Schwaber kicked off the event by outlining concerns her consumers face. “Every woman has a very individual journey when it comes to menopause and we want to be able to talk about what’s happening,” she said. “Perimenopause begins in our 30s and 40s, so perimenopause to post-menopause can actually be 40 percent of our lives as women.”

Kindra offers quizzes for consumers on its website, which have been replete with consumer insights. “Every woman’s journey is very unique,” Balsam-Schwaber said, adding that concerns ranged from hot flashes to mental fog and decreased sex drive. “We really wanted to develop products that were aligned with what we heard.”

To that end, Kendra hopes to gain traction with the largely untapped demographic. “We think of ourselves as the overdue menopause aisle,” Balsam-Schwaber said. “There’s been such a lack of innovation when it comes to supporting women, this is the perfect moment to be able to bring those products.”

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