Facilities for short-time workers and gastronomy: the coalition Committee decides on new measures

The Coronavirus pandemic, the world will continue to be in respiratory: Significantly more than two million people worldwide are already infected with the Virus 147.496 of them in Germany. All the News about the Coronavirus-crisis you will find in the Ticker from FOCUS Online.

  • The countries-Overview of the Live card to the Virus outbreak and the Covid-19 Radar facts and Figures

Sweden Corona-theories of the fall of the

Top news (08.59 hours): In Sweden, researchers seem to be independent of each other, glaring errors in their studies to Corona under run. The “tagesschau”reported.

According to a study by the Karolinska Institute for the study of Corona-antibodies has been pulled back, because it cannot be excluded that among the studied samples, even those of known Corona-Infected goods, with their Plasma severely ill Corona-patients should be helped. In this respect, the assumption is no longer tenable, that a 20 to 30 percent of the Swedish population already ill and thus immune to the Virus could be. dpa , The Local in Sweden opened.

Another study by the Swedish Ministry of health suggested in turn that, on each in Sweden proven Corona-the case would 999 undiscovered cases. In Sweden, with around 16,000 proven to Develop a total of 16 million Corona would be cases. Here, Sweden has only about ten million inhabitants.

The Declaration of the state epidemiologist and study author Anders Tegnell , which is the “daily show”: “You used a wrong Variable and thus another Variable is increased, in order to meet the predetermined reference value of two and a half percent prevalence. As a result, the value between confirmed and non-detected cases has increased tremendously.“

World medical President Montgomery: "A requirement for scarves or shawls lächerlich&quot is;

Top news (06.46 PM): world medical President Frank Ulrich Montgomery, has proposed a nearly nation-wide mask obligation criticised: “I’m wearing myself a mask out of politeness and solidarity, hold a legal obligation but it is wrong,” said Montgomery of the düsseldorf “Rheinische Post” (Thursday). “Who wears a mask and imagines himself safe, he forgets to stand-alone critical minimum,” said the physician. In the case of improper use of the masks could be dangerous. In substance the Virus, the focus, when you Remove you touch the skin of the face, the faster you can infect hardly. Montgomery also said that a legal mask, a duty could only be for real protective masks – a requirement for scarves, and handkerchiefs was “ridiculous”.

At the same time, he pointed out that you need currently in all of the “real effective masks” for the medical staff, Carers and Vulnerable. Montgomery said: “But what you want to do against the extension of competition, Federal politicians, with rational arguments?” dpa/Guido Kirchner/dpabild Frank Ulrich Montgomery at an event.

Here you will find the currently reported Figures by the health ministries of the countries.

  • Baden-Württemberg: 29.350 (1103 Deaths)
  • Bavaria: 39.190 (1443 Deaths)
  • Berlin: 5355 (105 Deaths)
  • Brandenburg: 2503 (104 Deaths)
  • Bremen: 673 (27 Deaths)
  • Hamburg: 4449 (95 Deaths)
  • Hesse: 7446 (275 Deaths)
  • Mecklenburg-Vorpommern: 657 (15 Deaths)
  • Lower Saxony: 9437 (343 Deaths)
  • North Rhine-Westphalia: 30.201 (963 Deaths)
  • Rhineland-Palatinate: 5638 (130 Deaths)
  • Saarland: 2413 (115 Deaths)
  • Saxony: 4397 (126 Deaths)
  • Saxony-Anhalt: 1417 (33 Deaths)
  • Schleswig-Holstein: 2496 (79 Deaths)
  • Thuringia: 1874 (61 Deaths)

Total: State 22.04., 19.59 PM: 147.496 (5017 Deaths)

Stand from the day before: the state 21.04., 20.12 Clock: 144.814 (4735 Deaths)

Source to be Infected – and death-figures: country health and social ministries.

The number of Healed, according to the Robert Koch Institute in Germany, at around 99.400

Currently, the RKI reported reproduction number: of 0.9 (as of 22.04.)

All further messages to the Coronavirus in the News Ticker:

  • So much you have to pay now in your state, if you do not wear mask
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Virologist warns of Corona-relaxations: “the government has sent a wrong Signal”

07.16 PM: gradually, the Corona measures in Germany eased back. Since Monday, about smaller shops are allowed to open again. The Virologist Melanie Brinkmann, Helmholtz-centre warns, however, against the consequences of the relaxations. “The government has sent with the loosening the wrong Signal,” said the “mirror”. “I’m afraid that many take, the Virus is now so serious, and again more contacts to meet.” This happens, you will get soon back at the very beginning.

Brinkmann joined the Germany prediction of the virologist Christian Drosten of, it’ll be at a second Corona-wave is much worse. “If we take the now lightly, it will come exactly to this scenario.”

By loosening the infection rate probably again one to rise, said of the Virologist to the “mirror” more. This means that an infected Person will at least infect one other Person.

Short German tourists makes hope

07.25 PM: Austria’s Chancellor Sebastian Kurz (ÖVP) has confidently shown that the travel between Austria and Germany is possible. "Of course, it is the goal that we the limits runterfahren", said Short on Wednesday night in the ARD talk show "Maischberger. The Woche". Both countries were at the containment of Coronavirus in a good way – and this is the precondition for a revival of tourism. An exact date for the opening of the borders he called. Reuters/Ronald Zak/AP/dpa Federal Chancellor of Austria, Sebastian Kurz during a meeting of the national Council of his Mouth guard behind a plexiglass window.

Briefly reiterate that in Austria, output restrictions are to expire at the end of April, largely. Then also Meet again with family members and friends are possible. The self-responsibility of citizens to Comply with the new rules, such as keep your Distance, and Wearing mouth-nose protection will then get a Central importance, as Short.

Survey: acceptance for Corona-policy is slowly

06.13 PM: The acceptance of the population in Germany for the Corona-restrictions, according to a survey, still high, but increasingly. In the recent survey by Infratest dimap, 74 percent were in favour of the contact restrictions, as the Newspapers of the Funke media group reports in its Thursday editions. The highest level of public support for the measures, the Institute had recorded in the last week of March, with 87 percent. Since then, the value goes back.

In the current survey, by Infratest dimap on behalf of the German Institute for economic research (DIW) called 18 percent, the limitations of public life "übertrieben", as the spark leaves to quote from this survey. Before Easter, this share was 14 percent, shortly after the holidays, then, at 17 percent.

Your personal health from 19 percent in the survey, the big Worry. At the end of March, it was 25 percent. A Smartphone App for tracking the chains of Infection would be to install 56 percent of the respondents. This value has barely moved. For the collection of around a thousand representatively selected German citizens were interviewed.

Coalition Committee: Higher short-time working allowances and value added tax reduction for restaurants

04.54 PM: The coalition Committee, consisting of the CDU, CSU and SPD in the late Wednesday evening, several resolutions on the occasion of the Corona-crisis focus. The tips of the Grand coalition want to raise, therefore, the short-time working money. The peaks of Union and SPD agreed during their Meeting with German Chancellor Angela Merkel (CDU) in Berlin.

  • Decisions taken by the coalition Committee in the Overview

Also food and drink available to know facilities of the Corona-crisis particularly affected the restaurant industry to temporarily pay only 7 instead of 19 percent VAT. The SPD was initially strongly opposed to the VAT reduction in the hospitality sector. This issue was of concern, especially in Bavaria, the Prime Minister, Markus Söder (CSU) a heart, such as FOCUS Online learned from participants circles. The new regulation will apply from 1. July and is initially limited until the end of the year.

Söder would have wanted according to his own testimony, that the gastronomy would be longer than a year, been in the VAT is relieved. "It was drilling a thick Board, and there were some hard Brocken", he said on early Thursday morning after more than seven hours of negotiations in the coalition Committee in Berlin.

Number of Corona-Infected rises again, stronger now more than 5000 Deaths in Germany

02.02 PM: The number of confirmed Corona-Infected is in Germany on the 22. April increased to 2682 on now 147.496. A further 282 people have died from the effects of the virus disease within the past 24 hours – a total of 5017. In order for new infections to take more than in the previous days.

The reproduction number (R) remains unchanged at 0.9. That is, an Infected person is statistically less than one other Person. This value must be below 1 in order to avoid a second wave of Infection.

Large family in Brandenburg plugged: 49 Coronavirus-Infected

01.55 PM): Once in Brandenburg, Rheinsberg, a man positive for the novel Coronavirus has been tested, it has Tests in its family environment, an increase in the number of confirmed cases. A total of 49 people have been tested positive for the Virus, said the head of Department for health and social Affairs of the district, Waltraud Kuhne, on Wednesday.

In the case of the Infected, there were two families each with several children. They live according to the figures, in a new district of the city. The Tests were held according to the district directly in Rheinberg, to avoid unnecessary oscillations, and thus a spread of the Virus. It can therefore not be isolated in the case of other detected infections, the Affected in the current living environment for the home. You are currently looking for other accommodation possibilities in another place, it said.

Trump under the disposal of records to the immigration stop

Thursday, 23. April, 01.44 PM: US President Donald Trump has announced the disposal to the temporary suspension of immigration in the United States was signed. Trump said Wednesday evening (local time) at the White house in Washington. The US President justified the step, again, Jobs, and medical resources should be preserved in the face of the Corona-crisis for Americans. "We want to take care of our citizens – we have to." Reuters/Alex Brandon/AP/dpa “safety must have priority,” says Donald Trump in respect of the announced relaxations in the state of Georgia.

Trump announced on Monday on Twitter, immigration to the United States because of the Corona of a pandemic to temporarily suspend. On Tuesday, he said that the restrictions will initially apply to 60 days and affects Mainly those people who have sought permanent residence with a Green Card. It does not apply for temporary residence permits. Prior to the expiration of the period, he will decide on a possible extension of the measure, – said Trump.

Shortly before the beginning of Ramadan, four-day curfew in 31 Turkish cities

23.24 PM: In 31 Turkish cities and provinces is due to the Corona pandemic, a four-day broad curfew came into force. The government tightened so that the previous regulations. They had already imposed a curfew on weekends. Now the people are to remain already after midnight (local time), up to and including Sunday at home. Are affected, among other things, the largest city of Turkey, Istanbul and the capital Ankara.

On Thursday and Friday at least half a day for some shopping occasions, is to remain open. The Thursday is a national holiday and on the Friday of the Holy month of Ramadan begins. Also allowed to work on weekends, clinics, pharmacies, bakeries and others considered to be important service providers.

See also: Overview – more and more Federal States, a lead mask is mandatory when you apply where

Drosten warns of excess mortality: “it is not, we will Lose this advantage”

FOCUS Online/Wochit Drosten warns of excess mortality: “we will Lose this advantage”

Further messages to the Coronavirus you will find on the next page.


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