Coronavirus infections in domestic animals is possible
Although it has long been regarded as improbable, but in the meantime, it is clear that even Pets with the new Coronavirus, SARS-CoV can infect 2. In cats it comes to similar symptoms as in humans. For Corona infections in animals, there should be a reporting obligation.
The University of Leipzig, points out in a recent communication to the fact that even Pets with the new Coronavirus, SARS-CoV can infect 2. Worldwide, there are now a few examples. The case is very low, however, and only dogs, cats, mink, and ferrets are also affected according to previous findings. In Germany there will be for Corona infections in animals a reporting obligation.
Animals can infect each other
According to Prof. Dr. Dr. Thomas Vahlenkamp, a Director of the Institute for Virology of the Veterinary faculty of the University of Leipzig, had been experimentally among other things, dogs and cats infected. While dogs showed no symptoms, had cats – get similar to infected human respiratory complaints and, in part, by the case.
“The Coronavirus seems to be in cats multiply,” says Vahlenkamp. Similar experiences would have made operators of mink farms in the Netherlands and Denmark, where the animals respiratory symptoms have shown, and partly to the fact died. “Infections are possible, but they are very rare, and they were always in connection with a human,” explains the expert.
So, if dog or cat owners and owners are infected with the new Coronavirus, also for your Pets is a risk of infection. Worldwide, no case is known, however, in the conversely, an infected animal that had a human face. Anyone who keeps several dogs and cats, but should know that the animals can infect each other.
“This should not, however, lead to uncertainty on the part of dog and cat owners”, so Vahlenkamp. The number of known cases was very low. So there had been in France, Spain, Belgium, Germany, China and the United States, only a single such infections.
Also in the Zoo in New York Tiger got infected nurses – perhaps in the case of visitors, or visitors, or veterinary nurses, or Animal. Subsequently, Researchers have made at the Harbin Veterinary Research Institute in China, the experimental investigations.
Infected animals must be reported to
If dog and Cat owners and holder to be on the safe want to go, you can have your animal on COVID-19 test, have to Finance the Test, but self. Also, the Institute for Virology at the University of Leipzig offers such Tests.
Pets that have tested positive for COVID-19, must in future be reported to the authorities. The Federal government points out on its website. The information that is to Occur in order for the research findings about the Transmission and spread of the Virus attain.
“Of course I would like to emphasise: It is for pet owners not to leave their animals in a test! This is only useful if the animal shows clinical symptoms,“ said Federal agriculture Minister Julia Klöckner. The message can be done in the veterinary authorities, health authorities or veterinarians and doctors. (ad)